
5 Simple Ways to Reinvent Your Look
There are times in your life when you look in the mirror and what reflects back just isn’t really working for you any more. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong, per se, but it seems to be human nature to crave change. Given that clothing, makeup and hairstyles are forms of expression, we can use them to change the way we put ourselves across to the world.
When there has been a big change in life circumstances, people often make drastic changes to their appearance too; for example, the ‘relationship break up/hair cut’ scenario. However, we really don’t need a reason. Fancying a change is completely normal, but sometimes it’s hard to find the inspiration for this reinvention. At New Image Hair Extension Centre, our extensionists are masters of reinvention!
Here are our best tips on how you can reinvent your look with minimal effort:
1. Change Your Hair Parting
It’s amazing what a simple change in hair parting can do to make you feel different. If you’ve been parting your hair the same way for as long as you can remember, why not have fun experimenting with a new parting? If you normally part your hair on the left, try parting it on the right for once. A more drastic change would be a centre parting, if this suits your face.
You might be surprised at how much difference this makes to your appearance. It can add a fair bit of volume at the roots, for one thing. The way your hair frames your face can change completely! You could find that your hair is resistant to the re-positioning, as your hair has been ‘trained’ to sit a certain way. If so, change it just before bed and apply styling products to hold it in place. Add a headband to make sure it can’t move, and when you get up the next morning, your parting should be fixed in place.
2. Go Bold With a Red Lippy
Lots of women think they can’t wear red lipstick. They’ll say it doesn’t suit them, or worry that it’s going to attract too much attention. They might even forgo it in case it stains their teeth. Well, firstly, there’s always a shade of red that will suit your skin tone. Secondly, what’s the point in reinvention if nobody notices it? Lastly, you can easily fix lipstick in place with a product designed for that purpose. As a bonus, red lipstick can make your teeth look whiter!
So it seems that there is no reason at all not to wear red lipstick! It doesn’t even matter what time of day it is. If anything, wearing red lipstick during the day makes much more of a statement than wearing it at night. If you’re not used to bold lip colours, you’re definitely going to feel reinvented with this one! It’s amazing what a bit of colour can do.
When choosing your shade of red, remember that blue-based reds that flatter almost all skin tones. If you’re still not sure, aim for something that’s not too ‘warm’ or ‘cool’; somewhere in the middle is a safer bet.
3. Invest in Some New Accessories
Nobody says you have to replace your entire wardrobe to feel good. Often, it’s all about the way you accessorise. The addition of a few choice accessories can make it seem as if you did buy yourself a whole new wardrobe! A new handbag is a great place to start, as is a statement necklace, or perhaps a headscarf or hat.
If you normally go for plain colours, opt for something bold, brightly coloured or patterned. If you normally wear an understated chain, go for a large, beaded necklace or one with plenty of jewels on it. The more different your accessories are to your usual ‘go-to’ style, the more you will feel reinvented!
4. Reassess Your Wardrobe
We all hang onto those sentimental items that we haven’t worn for years. Similarly, we hold onto things that aren’t quite right but cost too much to just bin… and then there are those items that we are sure we’re going to wear sometime soon but they just never seem to come off the hanger. The reality usually looks something like this: our wardrobes are crammed full of stuff we are never going to wear, and we can’t see the woods for the trees.
By ruthlessly going through our wardrobes and getting rid of the excess, the chances are we will unearth items we had forgotten about. Try on old things with new, and re-determine which are the classic items. You’ll be surprised at what comes together with a bit of experimentation – but the golden rule is to hang on only to things that you really will wear, and mix them together in a new way. It’s a fun game, if nothing else!
5. Bite the Bullet and Get Some Hair Extensions
If you haven’t had hair extensions before, you might not have considered the fact that extensions are one of the best ways to reinvent your entire look. You can’t help but feel like a different person when you suddenly have a main of long, thick and shiny hair. It may seem like a luxury, and perhaps it is… but life is short, and if you truly want to change your look for the better, there aren’t too many methods to match this one.
Walking down the street with your new mane swaying is a feeling that’s hard to put into words. When women leave our salon, they invariably feel confident. They are beaming queens of reinvention! When you combine hair extensions with your ‘new’ outfits, handbag and necklace, plus that vibrant red lipstick and possibly even a new parting, there’s no doubt about it… you’re going to feel like a new woman!
New Image Hair Extension Centre are the leading professionals for hair extensions in Manchester. We strive for perfection and always put everything we’ve got into our work. Our clients always come back for more, so we know we’re doing a great job! If you’re looking for hair extensions around the Manchester area, give us a call or drop in for a free consultation. We are ready and waiting to reinvent you!