
The psychology behind changing your image
There are times when you can’t shake that feeling that your self-image is out of date. We can’t speak for everyone, but it seems that many people are pretty keen on cyclical reinvention, and it makes sense. We love to change our appearance from time to time, as it is a way of expressing how we feel throughout the different phases of our lives.
Sometimes you can just look at a suit or dress you used to love, and it has just lost its appeal somehow. You can’t pinpoint when it happened, but you’ve changed. Everyone knows that feeling after a break up when you want to shake off those redundant energies and get a makeover; you want to show the world that there is a new, improved you.
When these things happen, it is time for the self-image makeover. The main issue here is in knowing here to start. We have a few ideas on how you can do this:
Make a list of your beliefs
It helps to honestly assess yourself. Take a few minutes to write down a few of the long-held assumptions about yourself. This isn’t all about appearance, as the outward appearance is simply a reflection of what’s going on inside. Your beliefs could be limiting your experiences in life.
For example, if you’re always wearing understated clothes, it’s probably because you fear judgment from others. You might look at a pillar-box-red cardigan and think, “Wow, that’s beautiful.” Yet you don’t consider buying it because the assumption is that it won’t suit you, or it’s ‘too loud’, etc.
Consider your core beliefs about yourself and then examine them to see how true they really are, and where you got those ideas from. If you want to be able to wear that cardigan, that should tell you that it’s time to change your subconscious assumptions about yourself. When you can do that, your outer-image will naturally start to reflect those changes.
Here’s a good tip: think about what you’d say to someone who asked you to describe yourself. What are your personality traits? What are your perceived weaknesses? What are your strengths and talents? How would your best friend describe you?
You can even go as far as examining your limiting beliefs about life and its purpose. Note down five or six ideas about this, and then examine it carefully. Which ones don’t really serve you? It’s likely that you’ll find you can counter these ideas if you’re objective about it. Look for evidence to the contrary. If you can do that for life perspective, you can do that for unhelpful beliefs about yourself too.
Decide on a plan of action
When you have figured out the parts of your self-image that need work, commit to changing them. Don’t try to do it all at once. It might mean going to more social occasions, or speaking your mind more. It might mean changing a few wardrobe items, or getting a funky haircut. It might mean taking up a new hobby without telling yourself you’ll be no good at it.
Ultimately, there is no harm in trying new things. Variety (and exploration) is what keeps life interesting. You will discover new ways in life, and new aspects of your personality. This kind of self-development is usually very rewarding and leads to lasting change. After successful risk taking, your confidence can’t help but grow. You’ll start to notice your self-image changing with time.
It might feel a little strange or uncomfortable at first, but that’s just fear of the unknown. As they say, leap and the net will appear. Why not enlist the support of good friends? Those who love you will be encouraging, as well as honest. Constructive feedback usually helps to keep progress on the right track.
Keep at it
It’s normal to second-guess yourself from time to time. We can become deeply ingrained in habits and thought patterns over the years. Most of us have that little voice inside asking us whether what we’ve put on that day looks silly, whether the new fringe really suits us, or whether we really want to talk to strangers at that party.
It takes time and repetition to undo old habits, so just know that you don’t have to listen to any self-deprecating inner voices. Change doesn’t always happen over night, so perseverance is key. By gradually changing what you do, new habits become the norm. You are changing who you are, and even the new you will evolve further over time.
Here at New Image, we meet many people every day who are taking that leap. Some clients ask us whether they’re really going to suit the hair extensions they want to try out. We just remind them that we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure they look amazing… and they always do!
We are happy to be able to play a part in image transformations for those who really want to change their look. Sometimes that’s what it takes for the inner self-image to follow. It doesn’t always have to be the other way around!
If you feel that it’s time for a bold new look, then come and talk to us about what we can do for you. There are so many options, and we can work with you to achieve the image you’ve been dreaming of. We’ll be waiting to hear from you!

5 Celebrities Who Rock Hair Extensions
The media is full of pictures of gorgeous celebrities with ever-changing looks. They can either inspire us or make us feel a little insecure, depending on what mood we’re in! The thing is, celebrities have access to the world’s best stylists, as well as inside information on coming trends. Being at the forefront of the world stage, they understandably want to look their best at all times, trying out new looks and wowing the public with their chameleon-like qualities.
The good news is that you can do that too. Don’t worry if you don’t have naturally lustrous, flowing locks… take it from us, plenty of celebrities aren’t endowed with them either! Lots of them go for hair extensions to create the supreme beauty you see shining out from those glossy pages, and not all keep it a secret either… besides, their stylists are happy to boast about it publicly – that’s how they keep getting work!
We’ve taken a look at some of the celebrities who openly use hair extensions. Perhaps their stunning looks will inspire you to make the leap:
1. Ariana Grande
Once upon a time, Ariana Grande stuck with the same hairstyle. She would almost always be seen with her hair pinned half up, and the bottom half cascading down her back. More recently she has gone for a new look: her hair is pulled upwards to the crown in a slick and shiny ponytail. She seems to have an endless amount of hair that shimmers and bounces on stage, and it is causing a lot of envy!
How did she get this admirable look? Hair extensions, of course. Check out her even more gorgeous new style as demonstrated in her music video for hit song “Everyday”. That hairstyle is quite something… she’s got hair extensions of up to 24” and they really suit her. If you want to recreate this look, come and see us at New Image.
2. Rihanna
Rihanna is one of the most intriguing stars out there. The looks she sports are so diverse, evoking envy among the female masses… but once again, we’re seeing a celebrity who doesn’t mind enhancing her style with a few hair extensions! There isn’t much Rihanna hasn’t tried when it comes to hairstyles, and it has to be said that she never seems to get it wrong.
She may always look great, but one of her best looks to date has to be her choice for the Grammy Awards last year. You guessed it… hair extensions! We think it’s safe to say that there’s no way her hair could have grown that quickly. Not that it matters… natural or otherwise, that soft, pretty look is something many women would kill for!
3. Jennifer Lopez
You can always rely on good old J-Lo to look the part. She’s almost as famous for her golden, shiny hair as she is for her music and acting. Multi-talented Jennifer knows what suits her, and she is an inspiration to aspiring beauty queens all around the world.
Even J-Lo is absolutely OK with using hair extensions to achieve her lengthy locks though. Her hair is certainly not as long as this naturally, whether she’s admitted to it or not! The thing with great hair extensions is that people rarely ask anyway.
J-Lo can be seen with all manner of styles, from tousled beach babe to super-straight and shiny tresses, teased and layered locks, and even Ariana Grande-style flowing pony tails. That’s all possible with her quality hair extensions! And why not?
4. Chrissy Teigen
Chrissy Teigen is an American model who made her debut in the annual Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She’s refreshingly honest about her looks and the styles she goes for, and we love that she was so open about her use of hair extensions.
She actually posted on Instagram that her hair as not all her own, and subsequently did some modelling at a hair extension seminar where attendees were learning to look after and style their extensions. It’s really encouraging for women to see celebrity models being so open about their enhancements; it gives them the confidence to boost their looks with extensions too. So there you have it… model looks are not out of the question!
5. Kim Kardashian
This one may be stating the obvious, but Kim Kardashian is clearly a fan of hair extensions. Her style has inspired women all around the world; and although some might say her reputation is eyebrow-raising, it’s unlikely to be denied that she’s incredibly feminine and beautiful.
Kim’s hairstyles change day-by-day; it’s not unusual to see her with short and funky looks one day, and swaying, lengthy locks the next. She switches things up to keep the fashionistas on their toes, and she does a great job of it. We love her flowing mahogany hair, and we are more than happy to recreate this look here at New Image. Kim’s look is within your reach, so let us know when you want to go for it.
These are not the only celebrities who are rumoured to use hair extensions; Christina Aguilera, Paris Hilton, Beyonce and Jennifer Anniston are all thought to use them too. We can’t blame them - hair extensions are quite simply a way for all of us to give our look that extra something we crave, swapping and changing with trends, and giving us a little extra confidence. It’s great to see so many celebrities in agreement.

4 Signs It’s Time To Get Hair Extensions
The thing about hair is that it’s always changing and growing. Obviously we need it to grow, but when we’ve just had an awesome new haircut, that’s the last thing we want! Yet as our hair is constantly changing in length, sometimes colour and sometimes thickness, it’s pretty much impossible to maintain the exact same hairstyle throughout your life.
Having said that, why would we want to? Our hairstyles are just another way we can express ourselves, much like the clothes we wear; over time, what we want to express can change. The problem is that there are times when the changes we crave aren’t within the capabilities of our natural hair.
Fortunately, that’s where hair extensions come in handy! When you’re feeling unhappy with your own hair, it could be time to give hair extensions a try. If you can identify with any of the following points, hair extensions could be the answer:
1. You’re impatient for your own hair to grow
Everybody’s hair grows at slightly different rates. Every strand of hair is at a unique stage of development, and it grows in cycles. The general speed at which hair grows is about 1.25 centimetres or half an inch each month, which equates to around 15 centimetres/6 inches each year.
There are various factors that can prohibit hair growth, from the state of your health, to your hormones, your age, or just lack of maintenance. Whatever the reason, there are times in life when it can seem that your hair is growing painfully slowly. The good news is that you don’t need to wait anymore. You just need to give hair extensions a try.
2. You want to experiment with a new look
We humans really crave variety don’t we? For most of us, that’s true, and especially when it comes to our personal appearance. One day you might wake up, look in the mirror and think, “That’s so last season!”. If you’re in desperate need of a change, the simplest shortcut is hair extensions. They offer you a way to completely transform your look in just a couple of hours.
Sometimes people get hair extensions because they want to experiment with different hair colours through their hair, but they aren’t sure if it’s going to look right. Sometimes they’re concerned about hair damage from product overload. Hair extensions give you so much freedom to experiment with different looks without altering your own hair. Perhaps you want to try out an ombre or beautiful balayage style; either way, if you tire of the look, you can simply remove your extensions.
3. Your hair is too thin or fine
Many women suffer from loss or thinning of their hair as they get older. It can also happen due to over-processing, heat damage, hormones, medications and certain illnesses. When your hair starts thinning, it tends to damage your confidence; you really find out how much you take your hair for granted when it suddenly changes. Sometimes there just isn’t much that can be done about it…. apart from hair extensions, of course!
Other people just have naturally fine hair, and it may never have been any different. Hair extensions can add so much more body and thickness to your natural hair. It’s amazing how different a person can look with a bit of extra volume in their hair, so it’s no wonder that hair extensions have become so popular over the last few years. With some quality hair extensions, you can get both length and volume at the same time, creating the look you’ve been dreaming of.
4. You’re unhappy with your new haircut
Your hairdresser may have had the best intentions, but sometimes that just isn’t enough. Whether your request got lost in translation or your stylist was a little too scissor-happy for your liking, there’s nothing worse than walking out of the hairdressers with a lighter purse and a disaster hairstyle.
As hair extensionists, we can assure you that we see this all the time. You need not wait a year or two for your hair to grow back; you can have a few well-placed extensions put in to disguise the style… and nobody would know the difference. At New Image, it is our business to transform any kind of hairstyle into something our clients are happy with. We know how it feels to be disappointed with your hair, so we do everything in our power to turn the situation around for you.
Get in touch with us now to discuss your hair requirements and we’ll be happy to talk you through the process and put your mind at ease.

Nightmares in Hair Extensions: New Image to the Rescue
My name is Caroline, and I am someone that previously had no real idea about hair extensions and what they entailed. All I knew was that I didn’t really like my hair much - it’s fine and won’t grow past my shoulders without splitting – so I wanted to do something about that.
I was always envious of girls with long, flowing locks, so when I finally found a way to make that happen, I jumped at the chance. While I was staying in Thailand, a friend of mine got hair extensions fitted and it looked like a total transformation. I didn’t ask too many questions (mistake number 1), I just went and found someone that could do it, and came out with long, thick hair. Great! I thought. That was mistake number 2.
Things quickly started to fall apart - After one shower and blow dry, I had already lost three extensions. I assumed my hair was too fine and soft to hold them - mistake number 3. A picture is probably starting to form here: it’s so easy to find people who will put hair extensions in for you, but if they don’t know what they’re doing and you don’t know what to look for, things are going to go badly wrong. I didn’t know just how badly, at that point.
To cut a long story short, I had an attempted repair job in India after having lost 16 of my Thai extensions. The Indian job was a joke too. Frustrated, I flew back to England and hunted down a UK extensionist, assuming it would be better here. That was mistake number 4.
She did a refit on my hair, loosening and then pushing the rings upward and re-fixing them. The whole process hurt, and after I left, I found she’d missed several out so my hair was different lengths. I couldn’t even rest my head on the pillow to sleep for two weeks!
My hair went from bad to worse - As I couldn’t see the back of my head, I was unaware of just what a mess it was. My hair soon became matted and tangled and I was tearing it out with each brush stroke. I’m cringing, in hindsight. Anyway, that’s when a friend of mine saw it and balked. She said, “Get down to New Image now and sort it.” So that’s what I did.
I contacted New Image and they were thorough from the start. They asked me to send pictures of my hair and went through them, explaining what was done wrong and confirming my fears that my hair was a disaster zone. I booked an appointment and went down.
On the day, they went through my hair with a fine-toothed comb, so to speak. Steve explained to me that they had put my extensions in with no real strategy, with no clear lines, and taken too much hair from the wrong angles. They had also bunched the extensions together in irregular amounts; some were too thick, some too thin. My hair was being pulled out by the heavy ones, and after one wash the extensions were looking separated from my own hair.
As always, quality is everything - Steve also explained to me that the low-quality micro rings they’d used had no silicon inside, so the metal was literally shearing my hair. I was left with broken, wispy hair sticking out at all angles. They had also doubled up on rings, which baffled the team and had only caused more damage to my hair. What an absolute mess!
Chloe and Alex set about carefully removing the extensions. Steve took them and started to clean them up, throwing out unusable ones and mixing in New Image’s hair to even out the tone and thicken up the extensions. He then made them into new extensions to be refitted. Before refitting them, he explained to me that because of my fine hair, they should be attached in a different way (from ear to ear), avoiding the sides where my hair was finest. This way the rings wouldn’t be visible, as they had previously been.
After I understood the method and process, my hair was washed and dried, and extensionist Sam started the application. It took around an hour and a half, during which time she carefully layered the extensions in precise rows. Throughout the process, Sam and Steve talked me through what they were doing and why, and showed me the work at several stages. The difference in quality was unreal!
The results were nothing short of miraculous - Once the extensions were all in place, Sam went through and trimmed the ends into shape to create a perfect finish. When I saw what she and Steve had done, I was amazed. It was a 100% improvement on what I had; I could run my fingers through my hair and brush it without ripping my hair out. When I went to tie it up, there was no pain and no micro rings were visible.Steve gave me full, thorough aftercare instructions so that I would know how to look after my hair and make the best of it. He also told me about New Image’s aftercare service, meaning that I could go back anytime within three months for any corrections if needed.
My hair looked completely natural and felt lovely, and on my first night in bed, there were zero issues sleeping on it. Originally, I had been shocked when I saw the state of my own hair beneath the previous extensions. However, the New Image team gave me confidence that it would be able to grow naturally again with their extensions in it.
They really went the extra mile to make sure that I was fully happy with it... which of course I was. These guys are true professionals. They took the mess that I brought to them and systematically corrected it with amazing results. I have to say that after my experience with New Image, there is no way I would go anywhere else. It's just not worth it, as the alternative means going back and paying for endless corrections, and damaging my precious hair. Surely only a fool would do that?!

Hair Extensions to Hide a Bad Hair Cut
We've all done it; you've gone and got yourself a layered bob or visited a scissor happy hair stylist. Now you’re left with a horror hair emergency that needs a quick fix. We see many ladies who have done exactly that.
Luckily at New Image Hair Extensions Manchester we can help disguise this upsetting situation simply by adding a few cleverly positioned extensions. Correction work at New Image is something we see quite often so if you have suffered a bad hair cut or simply can't wait to have your long flowing locks back then call us and book your free private consultation today.